Werk vs. Work!

Happy 11/11!! Is it time for a Psychic Reading?!

I'm writing this from one of my favorite places in ATL, Global Mall (they have an Indian food court + I spent 4 months in India in 1999!)

I say this because, writing this newsletter is part of my work, but I like to change the spelling to WERK. (Aka. add pleasure into what I do!)

Here's some context:

(Rihanna - Work - click below!)

Frequency School started and one of our weeks is all about Sexuality. As I'm growing in my Divine Feminine power, it's becoming apparent how much pleasure and abundance are connected.

It's all about getting into that flow state!

How can you infuse more pleasure into your day-to-day? Maybe it's ordering some Hot Love Chocolate Truffles, booking an Intuitive Reading or Affirmative Prayer Session. (<-- Click the links! ;))

Whatever you do, I invite you to use language that empowers, dance how you like, & add rituals and pleasure into your day-to-day!

Sending you so much Love,



P.S. Who else thinks this Erykah Badu - Jaron the Secret thing is hottt!??! I'm here for the older woman/ younger man phenomenon!!!!!!! And releasing shame in general! ;)

The Never-Ending Pandemic

As a child of the 80's, I feel it is my duty to start out with this song. (Hope you don't mind ;) ;))

Also, I'm here for the 80's interracial love ;))

But anyway, Yes, this pandemic has gone on and on and on, seemingly never-ending.

And yet, it is a time for deep transformation -- on a personal and global scale. We are birthing the New Earth. We are healing ancestral traumas and personal wounds and the things that hold us back.

We are being called into the next level of our being. To live our purpose + be who we came on this planet to be.

So, how can you use this time to your benefit?

I hope you will consider joining Frequency School!

It is the perfect online transformational journey -- and you can participate whether you're doing things in-person or staying in your cocoon. ;)

Announcing.... Frequency School!!!!!!

This program has been 7 years in the making! And it's finally here! This is my true soul/ heart's essence. It's what I'm here on the planet to teach and share.

My authentic self.

No gimmicks. No slick marketing tools. Just me. And you. And us. Together. Raising Our Frequency in these potent times.

I am the kind of healer/ coach that loves you unconditionally and supports you to follow your unique path and intuition.

I'm like a therapist -- but with 20+ years of healing experience, from Raw Food Chef to Reiki (and a million other healing certificates), a huge community of amazing teachers around me, and Action Steps.

I'd be honored if you'd click on the Frequency School webpage + check it out.

You'll see all that has been created, with all the details, and a chance to sign up for a FREE 15-min Coaching Session to see if we're the right fit! ;)

We start October 7, so you definitely want to hop on this now!

And as soon as you enroll, you'll receive ALL 3 of my recipe ebooks. AND be added to the Facebook Group.

So, you can get started right away!

I love you so much!

Truly excited to journey together with you in Frequency School.

P.S. Nobody told me to create this program. In fact, some people said it was "too much" + I should just focus on Raw Food. I had to follow my heart on this one. This is not some part of someone's "7 Quick Steps to Success."

This is from my heart to yours.

It's what we all need during this time.

And I would be HONORED for you to join me on this journey.

Giving you all my Love,



P.P.S. If you have any questions whatsoever, email wakingdreamcafe@gmail.com + I'm here for you! ;)

P.P.P.S. If you've (always) been thinking about working with me, now is the time!!!!