Affirmative prayer
What is Affirmative Prayer??
Affirmative Prayer is an energy shift using words. It is a cross between traditional prayer to a "Higher Power" and a Positive Affirmation. The "Higher Power" can be a name of your choice: God, Goddess, Spirit, The Universe, Creator, Inner Wisdom, Higher Guidance, The Circle of Life. We meet you where you are, in your request, problem, or condition, + we shift + transform the energy together.
Who am I?
I am Jewish heritage, had a bat matzvah, and wrote/ illustrated Open-Eyed Heart-Wide Haggadah, a New Age Passover ritual book, featured in VegNews, HuffPost, and
I am an Ordained Minister through the Universal Life Church.
I am a Prayer Warrior through Agape Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, under the direction of Rev. Michael Beckwith.
I am a Reiki Practitioner.
I am a Certified Life Coach and Certified Holistic Health Coach.
I am an Intuitive Reader and Channel, featured at Gypsy05, Modern Mystic Shop, and Phoenix and Dragon Bookstore.
I’ve experienced many rituals and traditions: Kwanzaa, Midnight Mass, Hindu Temples, Solstice, Sweat Lodges, and I’m open to supporting you, whatever your faith, or lack thereof. ;)
Your Session:
Sessions are done in person, over the phone, or on Zoom/ Video. Sessions can be anywhere from 15 minutes to 60 minutes. 60 minute Sessions include Life Coaching. You WILL feel a difference in your energy afterwards, with some clients experiencing same-day life shifts.
You'll want to be in a place where you can be seated with your feet on the floor, free from driving or distractions. You will receive Affirmative Prayer spoken by me, with your eyes closed. All you need to do is be open to receiving this energetic healing/ shifting/ rising.
Affirmative Prayer is truly a blessing. I am a Certified Prayer Warrior through Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles. It is truly something that needs to be experienced to be understood. I am honored to support you + share/ shine my light for the healing of the Planet.
“I’ve been fortunate enough to sit in personal session with Debra’s Affirmative Prayer two different times.
Both of them had profound effects in the present moment followed by profound unfoldings.
She once brought back my lost purse in the moment, directed a big shift towards my finding a beautiful partner, and helped bring in a major body [issue] shift I’d long sought guidance and help for. In fact, the very help I needed for my health came the very next morning after our beautiful session.
Her sage connection to what I can only name Divine is true and pure. Her joy, humility, and devout belief in the power of what she offers brings you to ease and overwhelming emotion. For me, that emotion felt blissful and I was filled with tears during the sessions.
Debra speaks deeply to the most interpersonal part of your being with such steadfast care and knowing. Her words, for me, speak through her as a conduit to ones personal growth and shift.
Her affirmative prayer is very powerful and I think of it more specifically as glorious. Many praises for Debra.”
“I had the distinct pleasure of having Debra Jill Mazer do an Affirmative Prayer right in the middle of Clear Cafe [Bali].
While I cannot say for certain that the unblocking of financial flow happened directly as a result of the session of prayer that she offered up, I can testify that over the next 24 hours, the seeming “block” opened right up and abundance flowed to me in a major way!
Thank You Debra!”
“If you truly want to feel a powerful shift in whatever you are going through I strongly suggest an Affirmative Prayer through Debra! From the calming beginning through the amazingly powerful energy she builds throughout the prayer it’s very moving.
If you sit or lay down and really take in her words you will feel the amazing shift of whatever it is that you need to address throughout the prayer.
I took part in a Live prayer and during the process she addressed issues regarding the womb and it just so happened that my friend also joined the Live and never mentioned all she was going through and no one else had mentioned anything regarding the matter yet she went into a very powerful prayer regarding the womb and my friend who has struggled with fertility issues and only recently found out she was finally pregnant felt it was very moving and powerful to hear.
I would highly recommend you take the opportunity to at least participate in a Live and if you have more specific personal issues you wish to address privately this is the girl for you.
You will feel the shift throughout the prayer.
This is a true gift and everyone deserves to feel the incredible energy shifts that you will receive.
Many blessings and I look forward to doing some one on one work with her in the future.”
“Debra worked with me last week and did an affirmative prayer for me when I had an alignment issue within my sacrum at yoga.
Not only did I feel better next day when I woke up but my attitude changed instantly and I felt a healing begin in the sore area.
A gentle washing over feeling was warm and light!”
“Debra did one for me as well and it lifted all negative attachments immediately... felt them release and light as a feather. Highly recommend.”
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