Toxic Positivity + I did Psychic Readings at Google!

Happy Full Moon!

When I first went thru a breakup 6 years ago, I thought, "Life only gets better from here! It can only go up!"

And proceeded to live out a few bucket list dreams: went to Bali, published my book Retreat Recipes for Yoga Lovers, visited Esalen, went to Spirit Weavers Gathering.

And then the grief hit me. And it was hard. I learned to allow it. To pull the car over to cry. To be with the emotions and allow the waves to come + go.

I also allowed myself to be supported in community: therapy, family, friendships, healing practices.

Before this grief experience, I may have been one of those "toxic positivity" people. Law of Attraction or bust. Not dealing with my own shadows + wounds.

And Yes, I love + believe in Law of Attraction. I do Affirmations, Dream Dialogue, hold close to my Dreams.

However, life is all of the above. And we have to make time to feel.

Because of my own life experiences, I love to hold my clients in the shadow + in the light.

Sometimes it's the unprocessed shadow that's getting in the way.

Are you craving support?

I wanted to let you know I'm doing a special on Life Coaching!

>>> Only until 12 midnight EST/ 9pm PST tomorrow, September 30th!

>>> 10 Life Coaching Sessions for $1500 total (1 hour each, on Zoom).

You can read more about my Life Coaching + hear from happy clients here.

Normally my sessions are $222/ each, but I'm feeling inspired to be generous, as I'm fundraising for a Leadership + Marketing Training of my Dreams! << Click there for the official fundraiser!

In order to get this deal, sessions must be paid in full by 12 midnight EST/ 9pm PST tomorrow, September 30th!

>>> If you're a YES to this one-time offer, and ready to book, you can sign up here! <<<

Much Love + Have a Great Weekend!



P.S. I did Oracle Card Readings for an event @ Google this week! Super exciting + fun!

Check out my IG post here!