Happy New Year New Moon!

Happy New Year + New Moon!

I am writing this from Tulum, where I am for a week + SOOO grateful!

Are you looking to find yourself + your direction for the New Year?

Book a Psychic Card Reading Session (it's infused with Life Coaching, Reiki, and Affirmative Prayer, so you get all in one ;)

I have 3 spaces left for January! (By the way, these are over video.)

So grab yours now by clicking Reply to this email OR click the link on my website!

These are first come, first served!

"We are all just walking each other home." - Ram Dass

I would be honored to hold your hand along the journey.

Reach out if I can be of service to you. (You can email wakingdreamcafe@gmail.com and write me a note if you have questions.)



P.S. I have 2 new pages up on my site!

One is for Personal Chef and the other is for Reiki!

Check them out + let me know what you think! ;)