Happy Spring Equinox!
I am learning so much about Manifestation and The Art + Science of Creating a Great Life. 2017 was looking like it was going a certain way. The graphs were pointing steadily up, and I was ready to rock it! The Universe was going to support me; no way, no how would I falter from my Vision.
And then the Signs. Signs that it was time to change direction. Dreams at night that were telling. That the Universe would support me no matter what, but not without a fair share of stumbling blocks along the way. Not the normal "Fears" which are a necessary part of growth + change, but more like flags waving. Can you relate?
And then came the Surrender. As Marianne Williamson states, from A Course in Miracles, "Dear God/Universe, Where would you have me go? What would you have me do? What would you have me say? And to whom?" Down on my hands + knees to God. (I know, I don't normally get this religious with you! Didn't know it was in me! ;)) But you know what I mean.... God, Goddess, Creator, My Higher Self. Sometimes you have to go there.
And then something greater came along. Something I never would have chosen. Something beyond my wildest dreams. Something that is EXACTLY WHAT I WAS ASKING FOR.
I don't usually share like this when I'm in the throes of it. But if the impromptu Goddess Circles I've been finding myself in, lately, are telling, it's that you are going through this too.
Someone doesn't approve of you, or so the voices in your head are saying. Someone is telling you that you have to be X, Y, + Z, to succeed. And it isn't resonating with your Soul. Your Soul wants expansion. Your Soul wants to be happy. Your Soul wants to Surrender; Surrender to the Universe, to the Greater Plan.
The Manifestation that happens with Ease, not with Pain + Struggle. (The Universe will support you either way, you know. ;)) The Manifestation that is, surprisingly, and out of the blue, and without a shadow of a doubt, exactly what you've been dreaming, your whole life.
Oh yes, it is YOU. The REAL YOU.
I know, it doesn't normally get this intense in Love + Inspiration Notes. But it feels like that's what time it is. Time to be REAL. I know you get it. ;)
Are you feeling the call to join me?
If you would love Support in Health, Business, or Life, click here for a free 30-minute Coaching chat with me. (Yes, besides being an Award-Winning Chef, I'm also a trained + certified Life Coach + Holistic Health Coach. ;))
Wishing you the type of Spring Equinox where you release all that no longer serves you, and surrender// rise to your True Self. Remembering who you really are + why you are here. (You came for a reason, you know! ;))
Lots of Love, In-Person Hugs, + Remembering to Camp Under the Stars (and other Important Things),
p.s. My book, Open-Eyed Heart-Wide Haggadah is available for purchase! (yes, the one that Alicia Silverstone uses every year for Passover! And yes, the one that Bernie Sanders has (!!!!!) Oh! Did I mention Marianne Williamson has a copy too??! And the late Wayne Dyer read it on an airplane?
You can join these ranks by ordering your copy here.